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A win at Chepstow in BYEH qualifier

Mister Optimistic and Catherston Definitive, our two 4 year olds, had their first proper outing on Friday to the Burghley Young Event Horse qualifer at Chepstow.  They behaved immaculately and we really couldn't have hoped for any more from them.


Both horses lay in equal second place in the dressage, just one mark behind the leader.  They both jumped brilliantly, and although Mister Optimistic was more popular with the judges, we were equally pleased with them both.  They were also given an identical mark for their conformation so went through to the top ten lying in 2nd and 6th places.  Sadly Harry was unable to ride them both for the final phase so Tom Searle stepped in to ride Catherston Definitive.  It is always difficult to show off the gallop on a horse you have never sat on but Tom did a great job and Fin finished in 8th place.  Harry was able to show off Mister Optimistic and his super gallop and presence, moving up one place to win his first event!   


A great result all round.


Photograph courtesty of ACG Photography:  Mister Optimistic receiving his prize



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