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Oympia - Team GBR Medal Parade

In a fun week we headed from SPOTY to Olympia for the medal parade with the rest of Team GBR's medallists. The Brits topped the medal table at this year's World Equestrian Games so the parade was a great way for us to thank everyone for their support. Equestrian sport has such a keen following and it's fun to be able to share successes with all those who cheer for the Bristish riders.


Rosie and our daughter Lily came up to watch, Olympia is a great show for children and Lily loved it. We stayed in the evening to watch the freestyle dressage and see Charlotte and Valegro set another new world record!


This week has been fairly adventurous as I headed from Glasgow to Olympia, then go from here to the British Equestrian Sports Writer's Association annual awards lunch , and then on to a wedding where I am being best man!









   What a week we had at Bramham, with Annaghmore Valoner winning the prestigious Defender CCI4*L, alongside...Full story