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Harry's progress

Firstly I apologise for the lack of news on the website.  Harry is still unable to use a phone or computer or do anything for himself, so my time is a little stretched!



Slightly against my better judgement, we set off for Burghley last Thursday afternoon, after only two days out of hospital.  It was a big step for Harry and whilst it was very draining for him it was probably a good decision and definitely a morale boost.  It was lovely for him to see a few of the friends who have been so kind and supportive over the past few weeks, as well as bid farewell to the team at HSBC, who Harry has worked with for the past 6 years as a brand ambassador during HSBC’s sponsorship of the FEI Classics series.  It was also a great opportunity for him to be able to watch most of the cross country around Mark Philips’ fabulous Burghley track.  He was extremely sad not to be riding it and so sorry for Wild Lone’s owner, Charlotte Opperman, who has really missed out because of Harry’s fall.  What a great competition though, and an unbelievable year for Jock!


Unsurprisingly Harry was exhausted when we got back and has since been trying to get as much rest as possible.  We have been told in no uncertain terms by the team at the hospital that without this his recovery time will be significantly longer, not easy for someone who isn’t used to sitting still!   We returned to Basingstoke yesterday to see the surgeon who was pleased with the progress but it will be another five weeks before we know whether the operations have been fully successful and the bones have ‘taken’.  It was fascinating to see the x-rays for the first time and the incredible detail in the surgery they have done.  There is certainly no shortage of metal in Harry’s arms!  He is now out of the hard cast and both arms are in braces, which offer full support but also allow a small amount of movement, which will be increased over time and he will start his physio next week.  The aim is to work on his range of movement in the next month and then to start strengthening once the surgeons give the all clear in five weeks time all being well.  Harry’s pain still fluctuates and I think both of us had underestimated how totally debilitating his injuries would be.  


Once again, we both want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent cards and messages, offers of help and to those who have stepped in to take the pressure off me from time to time.  It is all enormously appreciated.


Photograph:  Lovely to see Harry & Wild Lone on the front of the Burghley programme!

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