Podium Finishes at Bicton
Bicton was a new three day event on this year’s calendar and the Bicton team put on a great show. We had our work cut out with five horses running in long format classes – the 7 year olds contesting their first three day event in the 2*L, and 8 year old Jet Fighter also running in his first three day event but at 3* level.
Four of the five horses put their best feet forward in the dressage. Jet Fighter was first to go in the 3*L and produced a totally mistake free test to lie at the top of the leader board for a large chunk of the first phase of the competition. He arrived with us as a pretty wild 4 year old and dressage hasn’t been his strongest phase, but he’s made huge progress this year and it was great to see this being rewarded. Amiro Island, Uvera Z and High Hopes Viking all did super tests in the 2*L – unfortunately a first test experience of a tail-coat on a windy day spoilt Galakis de l’Ocean’s performance.
I couldn’t have been happier with how they all felt across country. They’re a real mixture of types, shapes and sizes but each one of them gave me a superb feeling and came home clear and fast around good tracks on testing terrain.
Jet Fighter jumped a classy clear on the final day to finish in 3rd place in the 3*L, as did Amiro Island, to bag 2nd place in the 2*L. Uvera Z and High Hopes Viking jumped well but a couple of poles stole their chances on a top ten finish and Galakis de l’Ocean jumped out of his skin to finish on his dressage score.
Two podium finishes was a great result and all five horses came out of it really well, a big milestone reached!
Jet Figher cruising around the 3*L
Jet Fighter jumping an immaculate clear round in the show jumping.
A podium fininsh for Jet Fighter in his first three day event.
Lap of honour time!
Another podium finish for Amiro Island - 2nd place in the 2*L