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Momentous Wellington

Our trip to Wellington was a fairly momentous day - it was exactly 2 years on from the fall that changed things so significantly for a time. That visit in 2013 was my first and only trip to Wellington until today, so coming back was quite an interesting experience.  Very sadly it also marked a year to the day since Wild Lone died at the World Championships, so there was a definitely a sense of reflection for us all, and particularly for my head groom Jess who was devoted to him.


We had three horses competing - Away Cruising in the Advanced and then Vrolijk and Tenareze in the OI. 


Away Cruising did a really smart test, and despite not quite nailing his changes still scored 27, which put him near the top of the advanced 8/9 yr old class. He had a disappointing show jumping round with three down, slightly struggling in the relatively small arena where the fences came up thick and fast. He gave me a great ride across country making it feel pretty easy. This has set him up well for the CIC*** at Blenheim in a few week's time.


Vrolijk did a smart test too, also scoring 27. He jumped another clear in the show jumping - his 11th clear so far this season - and felt great across country, finishing in 6th place.


Tenareze posted a 24 in the dressage which put him in 2nd place. He also show jumped clear which was his 14th show jumping clear this year. He had a good spin across country, felt full of confidence and just picked up a couple of time faults to finish 4th.


All the horses put up very strong performances and the runs will have brought them on. I was pleased to put the day behind me without any dramas, not least jumping the same fence that I fell at on my last visit, which was still in the course, albeit with its roof removed. 


Slow motion video of Away Cruising jumping through the water thanks to 2Gallop.



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