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Back to the real world - Aston le Walls

After a brief turn around from Badminton we are back to the real world and set off for Aston le Walls this morning with Shannondale Santiago, Zebedee and Away Cruising.   The beautiful Badminton weather sadly has departed and it was a rather wild and miserable day but the horses all went well and it was a good outing.


Shannondale Santiago did a lovely dressage test in the OI to score 30.5 and added just 1.6 time penalties to his super double clear to finish in 5th place.  Away Cruising excelled himself again, scoring 22.5 in his dressage and following it up with a confident but steady double clear.    We were particularly pleased with Zebedee's much improved dressage test but unfortunately whilst he seemed to be spot on and jumped a great round in his show jumping, he rolled two poles.  He followed it up with a lovely clear cross country.


Photograph:  Zebedee, plaited and ready!

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