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Barbury Part 2

Having made a really good and competitive start in the CIC**, Tinkas Time did not get the opportunity to show off his jumping skills on the Saturday and was sadly withdrawn as Harry and Rosie's daughter, Lily, was taken to hospital on Saturday morning. Thankfully all is well now and she is safely back home!


Tall Story went to Barbury for the ON on Friday and having had a bit of time off after Houghton he defintiely felt a little ring rusty.  Although most of his dressage test was lovely, he thought the flower pots either side of the 'A' marker were terrifying and spooked each time he passed them.   He scored a respectable 30 but could have done much better!  He jumped a clear, if a little spooky, round in the show jumping and went on to jump beautifully cross country until he came to the little dolphin (a jump not a real fish!) in the water which again, he found terrifying, and spooked at giving himself a disappointing 20 penalties!  Let's hope he is over the spookiness now and ready for Glanusk on Sunday.  

We made the trip up to Cheshire for our last UK event of the season at Kelsall Hill.  It's an event I highly rate a...Full story


From the highs of Burghley, we headed to Blenheim where we had two horses, Amiro Island and Cooley Anything You Like, c...Full story