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World Games long list

I was thrilled to receive a call to say Away Cruising has been long-listed for the World Championships in Tryon this year.  It's a real honour to be in the selection mix and very rewarding for our whole home team who go to so much effort to help the horses reach their full potential. I’m delighted for Away Cruising's owner, Charlotte Opperman, who has put so much trust in the team, and to our head groom, Jess Errington, who has looked after him day-in day-out for the past seven years - he has wanted for nothing.


Away Cruising has been with us since he was four, so we all feel rather proud of him. Wild Lone, who went to the last World Championships in 2014 had also been with us since he was four, so it's a real shot in the arm that what we are doing is hopefully working!  


I've always felt Away Cruising would be a 4* horse and the 2018 World Games was always in the back of my mind so it's very exciting.  He’s an old fashioned type who is much better suited to the longer more galloping three-day event courses.  He has quietly moved up the grades and now as an 11 year old has jumped clear around his first three 4*s - at Luhmuhlen, Burghley and Badminton - as well as Bramham and Blenheim as a nine year old.  The show jumping has traditionally been his weak link but with help from trainer Rowland Fernyhough he has made great progress in the last year.


The long-list is an extremely high calibre group of horses and riders. We will obviously give it our best shot but either way Britain sould have a very competitive team - there's a great strength in depth of British horses at the moment so fingers crossed the red white and blue flag will be flying high - and I don't mean the French! 


Above: Away Cruising at home as a four year old in 2011.


Above: At Burghley as a five year old, in the final of the 2012 Burghley Young Event Horse class.


Above: Finishing 2nd in the CCI** at Tattersalls in 2015, with Yogi Breisner, owners Charlotte and Peter Opperman and Rosie Meade.


Above: Badminton 2018


Above: Luhmuhen 2017


Above: Getting his first taste of the Vicarage Vee, Badminton 2018.


Above: as an 8 year old, about to tackle his first 3*.


Above: Having performed a dressage PB in the ERM at Chatsworth, 2017.


Above: He is now back doing fast work after a mid-season rest after Badminton. 


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